Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to Advertise

Hawaii Sport Mag. is printed in 15,000 copies every other month and distributed to 110 locations Statewide.

Hawaii Sport Mag. is targeting runners, swimmers, bikers and triathletes who enjoy training and racing in Hawaii.

With more than 100 events annually to participate in Hawaii is one of the most active States in the US.

Hawaii Sport Mag. serves the active community that cares about their health, and are willing to spend on equipment and nutrition to stay healthy.

Each issue of the magazine is 56 pages and with full gloss and color.

First and last four pages of the magazine is of heavier stock, and therefore of higher quality when it comes to print quality, therefore these pages are prime advertising spots.

Advertising options in Hawaii Sport Mag.:

1/1 Full page
1/2 Half page
1/3 One third page
1/4 Quarter page

Calendar bars - "Sponsor" the calendar pages
- Also highlighted Event bars - 2 per page max.
Results bars - "Sponsor" the result pages

Advertising options through our Facebook Fan page with 3,000 fans:

Update before event, reminder for sign-up, links to homepage etc.

The Basics


January-February Issue: December 1
March-April Issue: February 1
May-June Issue: April 1
July-August Issue: June 1
September-October Issue: August 1
November-December Issue: October 1

A full page in Hawaii Sport Mag.:

-dimensions need to be 8.625x11.125"
-trim size (final size after it is cut is 8.375x10.875")
-please convert all fonts to outlines
-please save as a X-1A:2001 pdf file (standard print format)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Welcome to Hawaii Sport Mag. for Advertisers

Aloha and Welcome to the blog for the advertisers of Hawaii Sport Mag.

On this blog we will inform you of deadlines for upcoming issues, tips and hints on advertising and promotion.

Furthermore, you will be able to find regular information such as our ad-sizes, trim size etc.

If you have any general questions please feel free to email us at hawaiisportmag@gmail.com